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Furore Over Customs Uniform: Senate And Ali Who Blinks First

Hameed Ali, a retired colonel and comptroller-general of the Nigerian Customs Service, NSC, is reputed to a stern and highly principled man all through his career in the military. Many Nigerians, therefore, expect him to call the bluff of the Senate, which insists he must appear before it in full customs gear.
The legislators have even urged him to resign his appointment if he cannot wear the uniform and rank of his position when next he appears before the Senate. But will Ali budge?
Solomon Adeola, a senator representing Lagos West, said it is regrettable that as a retired army colonel who should know the importance of uniforms, the Customs boss wants to demean and undermine the symbolic importance of uniforms, discipline as well as the authority it confers on the agency in its operation as a lawful body. According to him, the Senate resolution summoning Ali to appear in Customs Service uniform and rank to explain his refusal to suspend the policy on duty on vehicles and other recent acts of the Customs was to protect the organisational integrity and discipline in the institution of the Customs Service as well as protect the interest of the people.
“We have had a Major General Haladu Hanniya as head of FRSC wearing the agency’s uniform as well as a Major Danjuma Maigari wearing even the KAI uniform in Lagos State all in a bid to promote agencies they lead. This is not the Abacha military era when a Sole Administrator was appointed to head the Nigerian Customs.” Senator Adeola stated.
However, Femi Falana
human rights lawyer, explained that the Senate lacks the power to compel Ali to wear Customs uniform.
“With respect to the customs service, its officers are required to wear uniforms. But since the CGC is not a serving customs officer the senate lacks the vires to force him to wear any uniform. I challenge the Senate to refer to any law that supports the wearing of uniform by the head of customs service, who is not a serving customs officer,” said Falana.

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